Wilson Berkow

UC Berkeley Computer Science Student

Projects & Experience

Software Engineering Intern at BeenVerified Inc.

I develop tooling using Go, Docker, MySQL, and JavaScript (with React and D3). I have been working in Engineering at BeenVerified since June 2017.
President of Software Engineering
on Team 694 robotics.
As president, I
Head of Computer Vision
for Team 694's 2016 robot DEStiny. Successfully built vision-guided routines, for the first year in the team's history, which exceeded human drivers in accuracy and speed of shooting goals. Watch DEStiny cross an obstacle, find the target, and score a goal in at the China Robotics Challenge in Shanghai, China—all without human control:
a mobile game written in JS.
a mobile game, based on Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, in which the player is faced with a series of randomly-selected minigames based on the book.
a 1D-kinematics simulator written in ClojureScript (made in 2015). The user can select a preset motion curve or draw their own, and then observe how the position, velocity and acceleration of an object with that motion changes over time.
hosts the code of many of my side-projects (including more recent ones).

I am studying computer science at University of California at Berkeley. Since Summer 2017 I have been an engineering intern at BeenVerified.com where I write software using Go, Docker, MySQL, JavaScript (with React and D3), and Ruby on Rails.

In 2017 I ran the Software Engineering department of Stuyvesant HS's FIRST robotics team, Team 694. Team 694 works extensively to help other teams in FIRST and to spread STEM, for which it has been awarded the Engineering Inspiration award and the Chairman's Award several times. They have a "Fix It crew" dedicated to aiding other teams while at competition, and have year after year bootstrapped new teams at the China Robotics Challenge. The older students and mentors train all new members, most of whom begin as freshmen with no experience.

In 2016, Team 694 became the only team in NYC to have reached Einstein, the highest bracket of the world championship. The team is student-run and self-funded.